5 Social media tips every business should implement

Confused about what content to include or exclude on your social media platforms? Well stay tuned ’cause these 5 tips are the content essentials every business should use.

Be excited, B-E excited.
Try to appeal to your target market by creating shareable content linking to special occasions. Be excited about upcoming events, sharing the joy consumers might feel and helping you to establish a connection with them.

Revlon 1Snaps for RevlonSA and their beautiful Instagram post about spring, showcasing their colourful range of mascara’s nestled onto vibrant flower petals.

Backstage pass, anyone?
Allow consumer to have a sneak peek of what goes on behind-the-scenes of your business. People are always interested in the inner workings of a practice, no matter how small your business might be, so why not give them a glimpse of what goes on behind the curtain?2-pavkage-e1504535412944.png

Lacy Lingerie does an excellent job at giving consumers a cheeky peek by posting numerous photos of their products being packed for distribution purposes or photos of their owner receiving merchandise.


Uhh can you repeat that?
Find out who your current audience members are and try to incorporate content into your posts that makes your audience members feel special. One of the most practical ways to do so is by speaking the language of your audience members. If your target audience is mainly English speakers, but you live in South Africa, try to incorporate an Afrikaans word into your posts here and there or throw in a Xhosa title when you see fit, South Africa is the Rainbow Nation after all!

Brag a bit
Has your company recently reached a new goal? Has a team member achieved something? Have your products receivewoolies-4.pngd some excellent views in the last few weeks? Exercise your bragging rights! Use your social media platforms as a means of bragging with your business or business related achievements a bit. Motivation and recognition are key ingredients to growing, even if you have to motivate yourself and pat yourself on the back! Just remember not too overdo it, when it comes to bragging, a little goes a long way. Woolworths SA for example subtly exercises their bragging rights by retweeting positive reviews about their products on twitter.

Find your style and stay true
Consistency breeds trust and trust leads to sales. In order for consumers to trust your business and what the business is selling, consumers need to be able to trust the brand. Trust between a brand and consumers are tricky to establish, but it is common knowledge that consumers trust a brand that is dependable, stable and authentic. Once a brand has decided on a tone of


voice, “look” and style, the brand should keep to it since consumers are more likely to trust the brand if the behavior and look of the brand is consistent. The Instagram feed of r.h. Sin is a good example of consistency since all the posts include numerous white elements and have more or less the same look and feel.

These are the 5 tips that I have found to be the most relevant, but these are not the only guidelines you should implement. Do some research and figure out what works best for your business, after all social media marketing is definitely not something that can be implemented using an one-size-fits-all strategy. 

10 thoughts on “5 Social media tips every business should implement

  1. Hi Sharen! I totally love this blog post topic! Consumers need to be able to trust the brand!! Trust = Profit. Customers need to know who you are and what your values are as a business. Many thanks for enhancing my knowledge of this post. Have a super successful week ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Armand. I agree with you, trust = profit, but in the world we live in today it is very hard to cultivate strong relationships with customers and to earn their trust. Content is just one of the many factors that needs to be taken into consideration when trying to win over consumers. Have a lovely week.


    1. Hello Willie! I’m glad by post could be of use. There are a lot of free tool online that can help kick start your business, these tools are only a few. I hope it goes well with your future business endeavors!


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